Research, Development & Monitoring Cell



Dr Sudesh Kumari, Assistant Prof. (Mathematics)



  • Research, innovation, development and monitoring are essential components of quality education dissemination by Higher Education Institutions. Our College has taken up the initiative of establishing a Research, Development and Monitoring Cell (RDMC) as mandated by the Government of India for the creation and transfer of knowledge and to put in place a robust mechanism for developing the research ecosystem in the campus.
  • It is formed to assess the quality and need of Add on/ Certificate courses offered from the college.
  • It encourages the research culture in the campus and encourages students and faculty to undertake research problems in the newly emerging fields. 

 Work Done

  • Various conferences/seminars/workshops and training programs are to be conducted under the aegis of RDMC to cater to the students, and faculties. 
  • RDMC Motivate students and faculty for presenting papers in National and International conferences and projects in competitions and exhibitions at university level, Interdepartmental / collaborative work to be encouraged. As a result the college faculty members presented research papers or attended 18 conferences/seminars/workshops.
  • This monitor progress of the research and development activity due to which 10 number of research publications are to the credit of College.
  • Research papers are published in collaboration with Inter-Institutional, National and International institions.