Research, Development & Monitoring
Dr Sudesh Kumari, Assistant Prof. (Mathematics)
- Research,
innovation, development and monitoring are essential components of quality
education dissemination by Higher Education Institutions. Our College has taken
up the initiative of establishing a Research, Development and Monitoring Cell (RDMC)
as mandated by the Government of India for the creation and transfer of
knowledge and to put in place a robust mechanism for developing the research
ecosystem in the campus.
- It is
formed to assess the quality and need of Add on/ Certificate courses offered
from the college.
- It encourages the research culture in the campus and
encourages students and faculty to undertake research problems in the newly
emerging fields.
Work Done
- Various conferences/seminars/workshops
and training programs are to be conducted under the aegis of RDMC to cater
to the students, and faculties.
Motivate students and faculty for presenting papers in
National and International conferences and projects in competitions and
exhibitions at university level, Interdepartmental / collaborative work to
be encouraged. As a result the college faculty members presented research
papers or attended 18 conferences/seminars/workshops.
- This monitor progress of the research
and development activity due to which 10 number of research publications
are to the credit of College.
- Research papers are published in collaboration
with Inter-Institutional, National and International institions.