Grievances Redressal Committee is formed in order to
keep the healthy working atmosphere and to uphold the dignity of the institute
by ensuring strife free atmosphere in the institute to promote cordial student
to student relationship, student to teacher relationship relations etc. This
cell also helps students and parents to record their complaints and solve their
problems related to academics, resources and personal grievances. Suggestion /
complaint Boxes have been installed at different places in the campus, in which
the students who want to remain anonymous, can put in writing their grievances
and their suggestions for improving the academic/administration in the
institute. Students and parents can lodge a complaint. Students can also lodge
ragging complaints.
Grievance Redressal Committee
1. Mrs. Monika Bansal (Convener)
2. Mrs. Punam Jakhar
3. Sh. Sunder Singh
4. Ms. Sakshi Tiwari
5. Mrs. Aarzoo Katyal